
Guilt-free Mug Cake

Guilt-free Mug Cake
Xylitol Powder


  1. 3 tbsp (23g) white whole wheat flour or gluten-free* flour
  2. ⅜ tsp Zint Xylitol
  3. ⅛ tsp baking powder
  4. 1/16 tsp salt
  5. ¼ tsp unsalted butter or coconut oil, melted
  6. 1 tbsp (15g) plain nonfat Greek yogurt
  7. 1 ½ tbsp (23mL) nonfat milk
  8. ¼ tsp vanilla extract
  9. 3 drops vanilla extract, or to taste
  10. 2 large fresh raspberries, finely diced
  11. 1 tsp miniature chocolate chips, divided


  1. Lightly coat a 1-cup ramekin with nonstick cooking spray.

  2. In a small bowl, whisk together the flour, Zint Xylitol, baking powder, and salt. In a separate bowl, stir together the butter, Greek yogurt, and milk.* Stir in the vanilla. Gradually mix in the flour mixture, about 1 tablespoon at a time, until just incorporated. Fold in the raspberries and ¾ teaspoon of chocolate chips.

  3. Spread the batter into the prepared ramekin, and gently press the remaining chocolate chips on top. Microwave on 30% POWER for 2 minutes 40 seconds (2:40). Let the mug cake cool for at least 2 minutes to allow the center to finish cooking through before enjoying.

Notes: For the gluten-free flour, use the following blend: 2 tbsp (15g) millet flour, ½ tbsp (4g) tapioca flour, ½ tbsp (3g) brown rice flour, and 1/16 tsp xanthan gum. I cannot guarantee that other gluten-free flours will work, but most store-bought gluten-free flour blends should work, if they’re measured like this. Do not substitute coconut flour.